
Based on a decade of groundbreaking feminist work, Chayn has created tailored, trauma-informed training and services for organisations that want to support their staff and users. Our training helps organisations develop and implement trauma-informed policies and work culture.

To find out more about our services and training, contact Nadine at

Co-branded platform

Offer Bloom to your community

Partner with us to offer a co-branded, tailored Bloom programme of trauma support to your community. Our off-the-shelf service includes a co-branded online course platform, a bespoke homepage with partner content, and ongoing monitoring and impact measurement. We also offer several optional customisations and add-ons, including tailored content, additional languages and a 1-1 webchat service, where users can receive support directly from our global team of trauma-informed experts.

See our industry-first partnership with Bumble.

Very helpful to see how these courses are built and implemented mindfully.

– Bumble representative

Bespoke training

Delivering safe & engaging online support

Designed for any organisation running a trauma recovery or mental health service that they want to adapt to a remote or hybrid service. In this workshop, you will learn about delivering online services safely and how to use elements of Bloom to an offline setting. Free places are available for grassroots initiatives and small organisations without funding.

The best well informed workshop for today.

– Workshop participant

Trauma-informed design

This workshop is an exploration of Chayn's trauma-informed design and how to implement it in your organisation. We cover the process we followed to generate our own principles, and deepdive on the rationale for each one. We'll demonstrate how we employ these principles across our organisation, from HR through to user research, to UX/UI design. You'll come away from this workshop with clear steps towards making your organisation more trauma-informed.

Vicarious trauma training

Based on a decade of work on gender-based violence, this training is designed specifically for nonprofits and businesses who support survivors of gender-based violence or a humanitarian catastrophes, our vicarious trauma training covers how to support your staff to protect wellbeing while maintaining the best possible service for survivors. We take a collective care approach to preventing and supporting vicarious trauma in the organisation. We have bespoke training for managers and Executive leadership as well.


Trauma-Informed Design Audit

We offer trauma-informed design audits of tech products/services, content and HR for any organisation. Based on the learnings and practices of Chayn through its trauma-informed design principles, we identify areas for improvement for organisations and suggest paths for discovery and improvement. We offer two audit packages: a guided audit (where we guide partners through a self-assessment process, and provide feedback) and a complete audit (where we complete the audit for partners and provide a detailed action plan).

Digital guides & toolkits

Trauma-informed HR

We offer trauma-informed design audits of tech products and services, to assess alignment with our trauma-informed design principles, identify areas for improvement and create an action plan. We offer two audit packages: a guided audit (where we guide partners through a self-assessment process, and provide feedback) and a complete audit (where we complete the audit for partners and provide a detailed action plan).